From Blainville, Claudia graduated with a B.A. in Business Administration with an Entrepreneurship profile in 2018 at UQO. Vanessa's right-hand and friend, Clau has been the Director of Operations at the company since 2019. Her tasks include ensuring the smooth running of systems, logistics, accounting, finances, and correcting all our mistakes (haha). The easy and efficient lunch that Clau recommends, which she makes every week, is her famous TikTok recipe: sausage, cottage cheese, and mustard. Passionate about Costco, her best purchase that’s most worth it, according to her, is her 3-pack of cucumbers. How to recognize Claudia at the office: the girl always followed by her four-legged sidekick, Nala the golden doodle.
Astrolo sign: Aries
Favorite swimsuit: Layla top and Marina bottom in Brown Rib
Raphaelle - Customer service representative
Coming straight from Terrebonne, Raphaëlle earned her Fashion Marketing degree in 2023 from Cégep Marie-Victorin in Montreal. Since October 2023, she has been working for Mennillo as the customer service representative, earning the nickname “Miss Email.” Her responsibilities include responding to your needs, questions, orders, and handling returns/exchanges. The mailman's favorite, she always has the best snacks, whether it's chips or cookies, in her lunchbox. Though she won’t admit it, Raph is the most "oléolé" (adventurous) of the team, with her Latin music, weekly dinners, boat outings, three trips a year, and attending concerts twice a month. How to spot Raphaëlle at the office: she’s the girl always wearing a jacket or blazer, because she’s always cold.
Astro sign: Libra
Favorite swimsuit: Aspen top and Alfred bottom in Green Rib, paired with the Arya sarong
Jiandra - Assistant designer
Coming from a far-off place, Granby, Jiandra finally earned a diploma in Fashion Design at Cégep Marie-Victorin in Montreal in 2024. She is currently continuing her studies in Apparel Production Management. Jiandra, but you can call her Ji, started working for the company Mennillo as an intern in September 2023. Now, she holds the position of assistant designer and fit & specs. She handles sketches, technical fittings, and prints. Lactose intolerant, Ji is the one who dilutes her coffee the most with creamer. She’s the employee who has the longest chats on various topics with clients and never stops talking. How to recognize Jiandra at the office: the 4'11" girl dressed randomly, with a Bratz tattoo on her arm.
Astro sign: Aries
Favorite swimsuit: Zoé top and Marina bottom in Blue Crinkle
Nala - Sleeping queen
The team mascot, Nala, is the employee with the fewest tasks in the office. Her routine at work consists of eating, going to the bathroom, sleeping on the couch, and running around. She’s the golden doodle with the dream job. Our number one troublemaker and office guardian, she’s been Claudia’s child since October 2022. Very close behind Raph for the title of the mailman's favorite, she’s great at getting people's attention. Curious, she will come to see you in the store but will run away as soon as you try to give her attention. How to recognize Nala in the office: the furriest member of the team.
Astrological sign: Leo
Her favorite swimsuit: Prefers to sunbathe naked